5 Ways To Keep Your Cool In A Heatwave

Updated June 17, 2024

With temperatures rising it’s time to look at ways of keeping cool!

We’ve curated a few of our favourite tips to help get you through the heat of summer!

1 – Don’t make things worse!

One of the best ways to reduce heat in your home is to avoid letting it warm up in the first place. Refrain from using large appliances that create excessive heat, like ovens, dishwashers, and dryers. Plan meals that don’t need to be cooked. You could also consider using a BBQ or a portable electric burner to cook meals outside. And of course, hang clothes outside to dry.

2 – Only Open Windows When It’s Cooler Outside

Only open windows when the temperature or humidity outside has dropped below that of your home. Keep your home cool and shaded by installing sturdy and light coloured curtains on windows facing the sun. This will reflect and block out intense heat and sunlight.

Promptly close your windows as soon as the temperature outside is warmer than in your home.

3 – Be sure to hydrate and stay out of direct sunlight 

Water is your friend. Be sure to drink plenty of it to stave off heat exhastion or stroke. Staying out of direct sunlight can also help.

4 – Get Fans Up And Running 

Use stand fans and ceiling fans to cool yourself down, while keeping your AC off or on low. Remember; fans cool people down, not rooms, so turn them off when you leave the room.

5 – If You Have An Air Conditioner

follow these steps before you fire it up!

  • Set your thermostat at 24 or higher.
  • Make sure your AC filter is clean. The filter makes sure that the air circulating in your home is clean. Debris builds up on this filter, and can easily restrict airflow.
  • Make sure there is nothing in the way of the return air and supply vents on the floors and walls. There should be a two inch clearance around all vents in your home for optimum air flow.
  • Head outside and check your AC unit. Remove any plants, leaves or debris that could be obstructing the airflow of the unit.

Expert tips: Beat the heat in your home, with or without air conditioning

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42 Carden Street, 
Guelph, ON N1H 3A2
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eMERGE Guelph fights climate change by energizing the community to achieve 100% renewable energy as soon as possible.

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