This webinar explored the options from seasonal rain barrels to year round rainwater harvesting systems:
Thanks to out guest speakers who joined us for: Rainwater Harvesting. Our speakers helped shed a light on utilizing rainwater by means of different systems varying from large scale cisterns to most affordable rain barrels and tackled the issues behind installations, improper engineering and both overflow and counter flow problems.
You can watch a recording of the Webinar on our Youtube Channel here.
The slide deck from eMERGE and Plug ‘N Drive is available here.
From summer rain barrels to 4 season systems
Imagine using rain from your rooftop to water your garden, wash your clothes and even flush your toilets.
Learn how you can buy a rain barrel from the City of Guelph and access rebates up to $2,000 for whole home rain water harvesting systems. This can be your first step to register your home for the Blue Built Home program.
While people usually start with rain barrels for outdoor use, some realize the opportunity is much greater than just a couple of 200 litre containers. What if we stored 1,000 – 2,000 litres or much more, to use year round inside and outside our homes.
The process may seem daunting at first. But, the reduction in your monthly water consumption and benefits to the environment can be well worth it.
Our Rain Water Experts included:
- Stephanie Shouldice, City of Guelph , Blue Built Homes
- Evan Bell, WaterFarmers Urban Agriculture
- Larry Pomerantz,
- Ben Morrison, Clean Flo
The sponsors of this event: